主辦單位 (Organizer): 澳門建築罝業商會、英國特許土木工程測量師學會及香港測量師學會 MABCD, HKIS (QSD) & ICES 題目 (Event Name ): 香港、內地和英國在維護和活化應用歷史建築方面具代表性的䅁例Preservation, upgrading and revitalization of historic buildings – highlights of representative cases in Hong Kong, Mainland China and UK
講者 (Speakers):
Ir Raymond Wong Wai-man
Mr Raymond Wong is an independent researcher and a lecturer in the Division of Building Science and Technology at City University of Hong Kong. He joined the construction profession in 1977 and obtained his first professional qualification as a Chartered Builder in 1982. Mr Wong is currently a member of the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers and a retired member of the Chartered Institute of Building.
Mr Wong has conducted a series of studies in tall building construction, industrialized construction systems, urban studies, infrastructure projects and other related studies since 1995. He has published more than 150 papers/articles of various nature and topics based on his studies in such areas.
日期 (Date): 2017年10月26日
時間 (time): 晚上6:45至晚上 8:45 18:45 ~ 20:45 地點 (Venue): 澳門建築置業商會 (澳門水坑尾街103號建築置業商會大廈五樓) Macau Association of Building Contractors and Developers (MABCD) (Rua Do Campo No. 103 5Andar, Macau)
語言 (Language): 廣東話 (英語輔助) Cantonese (Supplemented with English) 報名期限 (Closing Date): 2017年10月6 日 至 2017年10月20日
收費 (Fee): 會員HKD/MOP$80 ; 非會員HKD/MOP$150
內容大綱 (Details):
講者將會對下各項事宜作出講解及討論 The Speaker will discuss the following in his talk:
Even though the civilization of ancient China can be traced back more than 4000 years, it is a pity that China does not have many “real” extant historic buildings or heritage sites today. This situation is more extreme in cities or densely populated regions. Hong Kong is not much better, though her short history cannot be compared to that of mainland China. In recent years, there is an increasing awareness in safeguarding and restoring historic buildings or heritage sites in China as well as in other countries and regions. Governments are more ready to allocate extra resources to preserve these properties from further deterioration or complete banishment.
The scenario in UK is quite different. In spite of the damages from bombings during World War II, a large quantity of UK’s historic buildings or heritage sites throughout the country remain intact. In particular in the recent 10 years, due to the relative blooming economy, many of the heritage sites have been well revitalized. One of the driving forces behind is coming from the active property market.
In this talk, Raymond Wong will highlight the types, project nature, extent of work, the actual performance/results and lesson learned from these projects by using a number of representative cases in recent years at these three different places as a sharing of his studies in this area over the years.
備註: 1 確認報名將以電郵/電話回覆。 2 如遇惡劣天氣如8號颱風或黑色雨警,本講座將會改期。更改日期將用另行通知。 報名表格 本人希望報名於2017年10月26日(星期四) 的講座:
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