德克薩斯州工程執照,工程專業實踐和職業道德 Texas Engineering Licensure, Professional Practice and Ethics 主辦單位: 澳門建築置業商會Macau Association of Building Contractors & Developers 澳門建造商會Macau Construction Association 澳門美國商會The American Chamber of Commerce in Macau
CPD Seminar 日期 : 2018年6月19日(星期二) 費用 : 會員MOP80-;非會員MOP150- 語言 : 英文 (不設翻譯) 時間: 地點: 晚上7:00 - 08:30 (登記時間為晚上6時45分) 澳門科學館第3及4號會議室 CPD hours: 1.5小時 (將申請「建築、工程及城市規劃專業委員會」持續進修活動時數認可) 簡介: 德克薩斯州(德州)專業工程師委員會是由德州的立法會所創建,負責發取執業執照於合格的工程師和工程公司,以及制定德州的工程法例。委員會是由州長任命並經德州參議院確認的九名成員所組成。本次座談會將邀請德克薩斯州專業工程師委員會主席黃安祥作主講嘉賓,就德州工程執照和職業道德方面進行深入探討。
Texas Board of Professional Engineers is created by Texas Legislature to license qualified engineers and engineering firms, and to regulate the practice of professional engineering in the State of Texas. The Board has nine members appointed by the Governor and confirmed by Texas Senate. Chairman Wong will come to Macau and speak on the licensure and ethics.
時間 研討會流程 18:45 – 19:00 到場登記 19:00 – 19:05 致歡迎辭 19:05 – 19:10 頒發紀念品及拍攝大合照 19:10 講座開始 20:00 講座結束 及 領取出席證書
Daniel O. Wong, Ph.D., P.E. Biography
After arriving from Macau, a former Portuguese Colony in China, in 1980, Daniel Wong graduated from the University of Houston with a B.S.C.E. in 1983, M.S.C.E. in 1985 and Ph.D. in 1988. He currently serves as President and CEO of Tolunay-Wong Engineers, Inc. in Houston, Texas. Dr. Wong is a licensed Professional Engineer in Texas.
Dr. Wong was elected and served as an At-Large City Councilman in the City of Sugar Land from 2002-2008. He was the President of the Region 14 of the Texas Municipal League in 2007-2008. He also served as a Board member of the Houston-Galveston Area Council (H-GAC) and the H-GAC Transportation Policy Council.
He is a trustee of the Fort Bend Economic Development Council and a member of the Fort Bend Chamber of Commerce. He had served on the Boards of the Fort Bend YMCA, the Literacy Council of Fort Bend County and the Fort Bend American Heart Association.
Dr. Wong serves as a Board member of the University of Houston Civil Engineering Department Advisory Board and is a member of its Academy. He also served on the Board of Houston Council of Engineering Companies (formerly ACME) and as President of Asian American Engineers/Architects.
聯絡 地址:澳門水坑尾街103號5樓 澳門建築置業商會 秘書處 Rua da Campo, No.103 , Macau 電話: (853) 28573 226 傳真: (853) 28345 710 網址: www.macaudeveloper.com 電郵: mabcd@macau.ctm.net
德克薩斯州工程執照,工程專業實踐和職業道德 Texas Engineering Licensure, Professional Practice and Ethics CPD Seminar
報名期限: 由2018年5月24日起 6月8 日 日期: 2018年6月19日 (星期二) 時間: 晚上7時至8時30分 地點: 澳門科學館第3及4號會議室 會員公司名稱 聯絡人 聯絡電話 電郵 參加者姓名 職稱 1. 2. 3. 報名辦法:請登入(https://goo.gl/forms/GEHbvZcsfKKg5LuN2) 活動對象:建築/工程業界大學或以上學歷之人士。 繳費方式:敬請以傳真或電郵方式提交本回執,獲本會確認後將會通知繳費。 傳真: (853) 28345 710 、電郵: mabcd@macau.ctm.net 活動開始後停止接受已報名者到場登記(簽到)。 不接受活動當日現場即時報名。 確認報名將以電郵回覆。 如遇惡劣天氣如八號颱風或黑色暴雨警告,本次講座將會改期,更改日期將另行通知。