主辦單位: 澳門建築置業商會 Macao Association of Building Contractors and Developers 題目: 遇火後的樓宇結構維修 Proper Structural Repair after Fire 講者: WONG Chun Choi, Tommy;CHUNG Chu Fung, Trevor 收生對象: 專業技術員 ................................................................................................................................................... 日期: 2019年9月26日 星期四 時間: 晚上7:00至 9:00 (2小時) 地點: 澳門建築置業商會(澳門水坑尾街103號建築置業商會大廈五樓) 語言: 廣東話 (英語輔助) 收費: 會員MOP$80 ; 非會員MOP$150
Structures, whether concrete, metal, masonry or wood, age and undergo changes over the course of time. They need proper routine inspection, structural monitoring, maintenance, repair or even strengthening if required in order to extend their service life. This seminar will focus on one of the commonly-seen changes to structures – fire damage. Instead of simple cement patch-up works, the speakers believe proper investigation, design and construction methods are critical in order to restore the structural capacity of the structures. Some methods and points to note will be discuss starting from investigation stage to the actual structural restoration and strengthening works.
講 師: WONG Chun Choi, Tommy Tommy was born in a construction family. His father was a construction worker and he started to work in construction site when he was twelve during his summary holiday. After he graduated in 1987 in the Polytechnic, he joined a small construction consultant and worked in the NT Circular Road Phase 2. After that he worked in Main Contractors for another 15 years in projects like Tin Shui Wai Development, NENT Landfill, Airport Express Line, MTR TKO Extension, Westrail, and Deep Bay construction. He then joins Freyssinet up to now taking up the position of General Manager, responsible for the business and operations of the Company in Hong Kong and Macau. CHUNG Chu Fung, Trevor Trevor has 15-year experience, including 3 years in Middle East, in project management and design of some significant multi-disciplinary infrastructure projects in Hong Kong, Macau, Mainland China and Middle East including Heung Yuen Wai Highway, Shatin Central Link, Macau Light Rapid Transit, Trunk Road T2 & South Apron Development, Downtown Burj Dubai Development and Burj Khalifa – the tallest man-made structure in the World. He recently joined the Freyssinet HK Ltd. as the Department Head (Repair) responsible for the construction management, design management, planning, and supervision of projects including the Structural Repair Works, Geotechnical Works, Drainage Relining Works, Installation and Replacement of Bearings & Movement Joints in Civil and Building Construction 報名期限: 由2019年8月15日起至2019年9月10日
課程已獲批2小時持續專業發展認可活動 (活動性質 – 土木工程學專業) 座位上限為80人,先到先得。澳門建築置業商會會員優先接受報名。 報名表格 本人希望報名 2019年9月26日 遇火後的樓宇結構維修
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