主辦單位: 澳門建築置業商會 MABCD 英國特許土木工程測量師學會 ICES 題目: Smart Cities and Smart Projects: The role of the QS 講者" Tim Bennett 收生對象: 專業技術員 ________________________________________
日期: 2019年10月19日 星期六 時間: 早上10:00至12:30 地點: 澳門建築置業商會 (澳門水坑尾街103號建築置業商會大廈五樓) 語言: 英語 收費: 會員MOP$80;非會員MOP$150
課程內容: The terms BIM and Smart Cities have become key parts of the built environment strategy for cities and projects. The CPD session will look at international examples of how smart cities and the internet of things need to be part of the QS landscape.
講者簡介: Tim Bennett (Dean of University of College of Estate Management) Tim Joined UCEM from Kingston University where he was previously Principal Lecturer and Director of Undergraduate studies, and most recently Associated Professor and Acting Head of School. He is currently external examiner at both Scheffield Hallam University and Dublin Institute of Technology. Tim has extensive experience in surveying practice as a Chartered Quantity Surveyor and was for 7 years a member of the RICS Quantity Surveying and IT Committee. He has been a HEFCE/QAA Specialist Assessor (Property & Construction) Tim holds a Masters’ degree in Professional Education and Training and a Bachelor of Science in Quantity Surveying.
報名期限: 2019年9月27日至2019年10月9日 課程已申請專業認可* 多範疇內容的補充進修
座位上限為80人,先到先得。澳門建築置業商會會員優先接受報名。 報名表格 本人希望報名 2019年10月19日 Smart Cities and Smart Projects: The role of the QS
會藉 : 澳門建築置業商會 其他: 報名費 _________________________ 敬請於報名期限內賜覆,請傳真至2834 5710或電郵至mabcd@macau.ctm.net,如有垂詢,請致電2857 3226與陳小姐或郭小姐聯繫。